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ARVRLS Policies

Arkansas Public Library Laws 
Circulation Policy 

Circulation Policy  

To obtain a free ARVRLS library card, a patron must present 2 forms of ID which have a current  address (examples: driver's license, a utility bill, or a piece of mail) and a photo ID. The photo ID  can double as one form of the address ID. Patrons under the age of 18 require a parent or legal  guardian's signature to obtain a library card and the parent/guardian must present the required ID.  Children can obtain their own library card as soon as they are able to sign their own name. All  patrons must sign their card when it is presented to them which acknowledges that they accept  the responsibility for all materials borrowed on the card and agree to abide by all library rules.  

The patron agrees to report any change of address or loss of card to the library immediately. A  replacement fee of $1.00 will be charged for lost cards. The library card must be presented to  borrow materials. A patron's library card must be clear of all overdue items before more items  can be checked out. The first time a patron uses a new library card there will be a limit of 2 items  that can be checked out. 

Books, magazines, and audio material (CDs or Playaways) are loaned for a period of 14 days.  Videos and video games are loaned for 7 days. Digital download materials (audio, eBooks,  music, videos, and magazines) are set by the LDD1 Consortium Policies. Certain items of local  history do not circulate, which is left to the discretion of the branch manager. The length of loan  for interlibrary loan materials will vary according to the date the materials are due back at the  lending library.  

The numbers of items an individual can borrow at any time are limited to 10 books, 10  magazines, 2 audio materials (CDs or Playaways), 3 videos, and 1 video game. Local staff  members may need to make exceptions to this policy in some cases. Digital download materials  (audio, eBooks, music, videos, and magazines) will vary according to LDD1 Consortium  Policies.  

If there is no waiting list on an item that was originally checked out, it may be renewed twice  for the same period of time as the original loan. Renewals may be made in person, by telephone,  by fax, by email, by mail, or online through the card catalog.  

Charges will also be assessed for any material not returned to the library or returned damaged. A  value or replacement cost will be determined by the library staff for each lost or damaged item.  

--Approved December 9, 2013  

--Amended and Approved December 21, 2020

Computer and Internet Agreement 


The Arkansas River Valley Regional Library System provides public access to computers and the Internet free of  charge, except for local printing fees. In order to use this resource, I agree to the following:  

  • I agree to use computers and the Internet responsibly. 
  • I will not interfere with the work of others, or with the performance of the network, including but not limited  to unauthorized access to passwords, closed areas of the network, or introduction of computer viruses.
  • I will respect time limits, and learn to use tools which allow me to work off-line whenever possible.
  • I understand that the network is a social community with accepted standards of behavior.  
  • I agree to use appropriate language and to avoid displaying material which may reasonably be construed as obscene. 
  • I will respect copyright laws and avoid illegal activities. 
  • I will be responsible for any hardware or software damage I cause. 
  • I will be responsible for any cost incurred as a result of my Internet activities. 
  • I understand that the Arkansas River Valley Regional Library System does not guarantee that the system will function error-free or uninterrupted, or that it will meet any specific requirements of the user. In addition, the library does not guarantee the accuracy of information obtained through the Internet. Information gained through this source is the responsibility of each originator/producer, users should be aware that not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information. Therefore, I will critically evaluate any information I find. 
  • I understand that the Arkansas River Valley Regional Library System is not responsible for loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur from patron use of the library's computers. 
  • I recognize that use of the library equipment and connectivity is a privilege, which can be revoked if any of the above agreement is broken. I have read and understand the Arkansas River Valley Regional Library System Computer and Internet Access Policy and the Computer and Internet Use Agreement and I accept the terms of use. 

Emergency Connectivity Fund  

The equipment and services funded by the federal Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) can only be provided to  patrons who declare they do not have access to the equipment or services sufficient to access the Internet. By  signing this statement, I declare I do not have access to such equipment or services. In addition, patron name and  dates of use may be retained for potential ECF documentation requirements. 

Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________

Print Full Name: _____________________________________ Library Card Number: _____________________ 

As the caregiver of the above-signed minor user, I recognize that the Internet cannot be regulated. I agree to  direct children in standards for acceptable use. If there are areas or materials not accessible to children, I will  define those areas for my child and hold them responsible for upholding the standards set forth. 

I will not expect the library staff to supervise, limit, censor, or regulate my child beyond the scope of the rules  listed above. I will be responsible for any hardware or software damage caused by my child in the course of using  the library's equipment.  

Signature of Guardian: _________________________________ Date: __________________________________

Print Full Name: ______________________________________ Library Card Number: ____________________ 

ARVRLS 8/4/2021

Employee Computer Use Agreement 

Employee Computer Use: 

The purpose of this policy is to establish basic guidelines for the appropriate use of  computing resources, electronic mail, the Internet, and related electronic products on staff  computers at the Regional headquarters and all branch library staff computers.  

The Arkansas River Valley Regional Library System provides equipment, services, and  training so employees can serve the needs of its patrons. Access to computers, the  Internet, and email is provided solely to further these service goals.  

The Library encourages staff to use email for job-related communication. Branch  managers will designate which computers may be used to access email.  

Although email is quick and easy, for all external correspondence staff are expected to proofread the email and use spell check to well-represent the Library. Staff are expected to communicate in a professional manner using appropriate business language.  

The Library encourages staff to use email for job-related professional development.  Participation in distribution lists (list-servs) is expected to be job-related and should not  require too much of the staff persons time. Postings to group lists which communicate  personal opinions, not formal Library policy, should state this clearly.  

Like with any other method of correspondence, important materials can be lost in the  middle of mounds of outdated or irrelevant messages. Email files can also absorb undue  amount of computer resources. Regular deletion of outdated email files is encouraged and  expected. The Library reserves the right to “dump” archived email. The same guidelines apply to data files. Regular deletion of unused files is encouraged and expected.  

Personal Use  

Because of the storing of personal information on computers, the Library does not permit  the personal use of staff computers. Public access computers should be used instead  either before or after regularly scheduled work times, breaks, or lunch.  

The email system should not be used to solicit or proselytize others for commercial  ventures, religious or political causes, outside organizations, or other non-work related  solicitations.  

Downloading of non-work related files from the Internet, or loading of software, is not  permitted without specific consent of the Library Director.  

The use of computer games is not permitted on work time. 

Prohibited uses of the Internet 

  1. Commercial use – Any form of commercial use of the Internet is prohibited. It is not acceptable to use Library computing resources for for-profit activities like consulting for pay or running a business. 
  2. Copyright/Licensing Violations –Any use of the Internet that violates copyright law is prohibited. It is assumed that information and resources accessible via Library computer resources are private to the individuals and organizations which own or hold rights to those resources and information unless specifically state otherwise by the owners or holders of the rights. It is therefore not acceptable for an individual to use Library computing resources to access information or resources (even when that information or those resources are not securely protected) unless permission to do so has been granted by the owners or holders of rights to those resources or information. Employees are prohibited from downloading illegal software. 
  3. Solicitation- The sale of personal items on the open Internet is prohibited. D. Harassment – the use of the Internet to harass employees, vendors, patrons, and/or others is prohibited. This includes the display or transmission of threatening, obscene, or harassing materials of any kind. 
  4. Political – The use of the Internet for political purposes is prohibited. F. Aliases – The use of aliases while using the Internet is prohibited. Anonymous messages are not to be sent. 
  5. Misinformation/Confidential Information – The release of untrue, distorted, or confidential information regarding Library business is prohibited. 
  6. Unauthorized Entry/Hacking/Tampering – It is not acceptable to use Library computer resources to interfere with or disrupt network users, services or equipment. Disruptions include, but are not limited to, distribution of unsolicited advertisement, propagation of computer worms and viruses, and using the network to make unauthorized entry to any other machine accessible via the Internet. 
  7. Illegal Activities – It is not acceptable to use Library computer resources for any purpose or in any manner that violates local, state, or federal laws and regulations. J. Chain letters, jokes, recipes – Group distribution of email letters is not permitted unless they are for business purposes. 

Privacy Issues/Monitoring  

An employee's rights while accessing the Internet on Library computers does not  include the right to privacy. All computer data and files on library computers,  including email, are the property and responsibility of the Arkansas River Valley  Regional Library System. While email is generally treated confidentially, the Library administration reserves the right to monitor, review, intercept, access, and disclose all  messages created, received, or sent over the system for any purpose and without  notification.

It is not acceptable for one staff member to access the email or personal data files of another staff member without that person’s permission. However, administrative and  network staff have the right to access these files as detailed above. 

Because email and data files may be subject to public records laws (FOI) and discovery in litigation, it is important to fully understand and accept the privacy  limitations of electronic communications. 

Security Issues 

Access to the library’s database is restricted to authorized persons. Employees are  responsible for the confidentiality of personal and library logins and passwords.  

Email is a very convenient and effective mode of communication. It is not a secure  one. Staff should avoid using email for confidential or sensitive correspondence.  Formal correspondence should continue to use Library letterhead.  

As a precaution against computer viruses, employees are not permitted to open  unsolicited or unexpected email attachments even if the sender appears to be someone  known to the employee. Employees must confirm the contents of the attachment by  checking with the sender or Library technical staff before opening the attachment. 


The Library administration will review alleged violations of these guidelines on a case-by-case basis. Violations of the guidelines will result in appropriate action, such  as loss of electronic mail privileges, loss of computer privileges, loss of network  privileges, or referral to appropriate authorities. Repeated, egregious, or malicious  abuse of these guidelines may be cause for termination. Additionally, staff use of  Library computers for illegal activity may result in prosecution.  

All federal and state laws, and the Library regulations within this policy are  applicable to the use of computing resources. These include, but are not limited to, 20 U.S.C. 1232g; the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, 18  U.S.C. 2510 et seq.; the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act, Ark. Code Ann.  25-19-101 et seq.; and state and federal computer fraud statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1030 and Ark. Code. Ann. 5-41-101 et seq. Illegal reproduction of software and other intellectual property protected by U.S. copyright laws and by licensing agreements my result in civil and criminal sanctions. 

The Library’s website is maintained by and through the Library Director’s office. No  member of the individual libraries may produce a web-page, electronic bulletin board,  or any other such computer sited that purports to be an official publication of the  Library without the express permission of the Regional Library Board.  

Arkansas Freedom of Information Act: 

  1. The electronic files, including email files, of Library employees are potentially subject to public inspection and copying under the state Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Ark. Code Ann. 25-19-101 et seq. 
  2. The FOIA defines “public records” to include “data compilations in any form, required by law to be kept or otherwise kept, and which constitute a record of the performance or lack of performance of official functions which are or should be carried out by a public official or employee (or) a governmental agency…”(See Ark. Code Ann. 25-19-103(1). All records maintained in public offices or by public employees within the scope of their employment are presumed to be public records; however, various exceptions apply. See Ark. Code Ann. 25-19-105. 

Adopted June 5, 2007  

Arkansas River Valley Regional Library Board 

Amended and approved on December 21, 2020

Employee Ethics and Conduct Policy 

Ethics and Conduc

  1. Library employees shall display loyalty, support, and cooperation when following instructions and regulations. 
  2. Library employees shall not request donations or gifts for themselves from citizens or suppliers. 
  3. Library employees shall not display prejudice against any persons or organizations, thus affecting the cordiality of contacts with other employees or the public. 
  4. Library employees shall protect the privacy of library patrons as provided by state law. 
  5. Library employees shall be prompt and regular in reporting to work, and shall be diligent, competent, and efficient in assignment performance. 
  6. Library employees shall not grant any special consideration or advantage to citizens, individuals, or groups beyond that which is available to every other citizen, individual, or group. 
  7. Library employees shall not accept gifts, services, gratuities, or favors, or engage in trading, or bartering with vendors, their families, or friends. 
  8. Library employees shall not use Library funds, supplies, or facilities for purposes other than to conduct official Library business. 
  9. Library employees shall keep themselves physically fit, mentally alert, neat, and clean, and shall perform their duties fairly, impartially and in a professional manner. Working under the influence of alcohol or any other non-prescribed narcotic or controlled substance shall result in dismissal. 
  10. Library employees shall conduct themselves on the job so as to engender the respect of fellow workers and the general public. 

Adopted by the Arkansas River Valley Regional Library  

Board June 5, 2007  

-- Approved December 21, 2020

Freedom of Information Act Request Procedures 

Request Information

Under provisions of the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (Ark. Code Ann. § 25-19-101, et seq.), a citizen of Arkansas may request all records in possession of the Arkansas River Valley Regional Library System pertaining to the information described below. Please include as much information as possible so that we may expedite your request as soon as possible.

The FOIA does not require agencies to create new records or conduct research, analyze data, or answer questions when responding to requests. The library can only supply library documents, not documents from other agencies. Library Board meeting documents are available on our website on our “About Us” page.

You may refer to the “Arkansas FOIA Handbook” for documents that may be exempt from this act.

Interlibrary Loan Policy and Procedures 

Request an Item

Interlibrary Loan is a free service that allows cardholders in good standing to borrow books and articles not available within the Arkansas River Valley Regional Library System. ILL is a cooperative effort among many libraries in North America. We cannot accept ILL requests if there are unpaid charges of more than $10.

How do I submit an ILL request? Requests can be submitted to branch staff with final approval from the Branch Manager

What is not available through ILL? You cannot request items that are owned by the Arkansas River Valley Regional Library System, electronic resources such as eBooks, A/V items such as DVDs or CDs, or books published in the current calendar year. Requests for these items will be canceled.

How many ILL requests can I make? You may have a total of three (3) ILL requests in a 30 day time period.

How will I know when my item arrives? Items may take four to six (4-6) weeks to arrive. You will be notified by phone, email, or postal mail. Please pick up your items as soon as possible, as they are checked out to you by staff as soon as they are received. Do not remove the ILL label.

How do I renew ILL items? Materials are eligible for renewal once, for an additional two (2) weeks, with the consent of the lending library. Items that are not renewable will be noted on the ILL label. Renewal requests must be placed before the due date. Renewal requests must be made to ILL staff at Staff will contact you after the lending library responds. Overdue items are not eligible for renewal.

How do I return ILL items? Items may be returned to any Arkansas River Valley Regional Library System location during open hours only. Do not place items in the book drop.

What is the cost? The Arkansas River Valley Regional Library System does not charge for ILL requests. However, some lenders may charge a fee, which we would pass on to you. You will always be notified of any fees before we request an item that requires fees to be paid.

What if I lose or damage an item? For a lost or damaged item, ILL has a default replacement fee of $50. However, ARVRLS may be able to negotiate a lower replacement fee; call the Interlibrary Loan Department at 479-229-4418 to discuss before paying.

Library Card Agreement 

Arkansas River Valley Regional Library System Library Card Application

-- Residents and property owners of Franklin, Johnson, Logan, and Yell counties are eligible for a free card.
--Temporary residents working or attending school in Franklin, Johnson, Logan, or Yell Counties are eligible for a free card.
-- Non-residents, who reside in counties outside of the ARVRLS service area may obtain a card for a one-time $20 fee.
-- Barcode numbers and PIN numbers will be emailed within 48 hours.
-- Library cards will be sent to the mailing address listed on the application.
-- All cards will be re-assessed within 90 days to verify account information.
To maintain a library card, you must present the following:
-- A photo ID and proof of current address, e.g. driver’s license, utility bill, property tax receipt, medical card,
company ID, or other printed identification.
-- Non-residents eligible for a library card because they own property in the region must show proof, e.g. tax bill.
-- Temporary residents working or attending school in the area must present proof of current address and proof of current employment.
-- Children under 18 or dependents must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian when applying for a library card.

Materials Selection Policy 
Patron Behavior Policy 

Patron Behavior Policy

The Arkansas River Valley Regional Library System public behavior rules are intended to protect the rights and safety of library users, protect the rights and safety of staff members, and preserve and protect materials, facilities, and property. Failure to comply with these rules may result in expulsion from a Library program or facility, suspension of Library privileges, and/or arrest and prosecution to the full extent of the law. Library users must adhere to the Rules of Conduct and NOT engage in the following prohibited behavior.

Illegal Activities, including but not limited to:

  • Committing or attempting to commit any activity that violates any federal, state, or local statute or ordinance
  • Engaging in sexual or lewd behavior
  • Use of controlled substances
  • Use of a weapon, handgun, knife, or club
  • Smoking, vaping, or use of tobacco inside of Library facility
  • Drinking alcohol beverages on Library premises

Harmful, Disruptive, or Destructive behavior, including but not limited to:

  • Engaging in conduct that disrupts or interferes with the normal operation of the Library, or disturbs staff and Library users
  • Threatening or abusive language or gestures
  • Loud or boisterous behavior
  • Photographing, filming, or recording other patrons without their consent
  • Using Library materials, equipment, furniture, fixtures, or buildings in a destructive, abusive or potentially damaging manner
  • Disobeying the reasonable direction of Library staff members
  • Interfering with the free passage of staff members or users in or onto Library premises including but not limited to, the placement of objects such as bicycles, strollers, or bags
  • Use of open flame or any burning/heating element
  • Parking vehicles on Library premises for purposes other than official library use. Vehicles parked in violation of this rule may be towed at the owner's expense

Other inappropriate behavior:

  • Bringing animals other than service animals inside library buildings without prior permission of Library staff
  • Consuming food or beverages in the Library, except in designated areas or at special events sanctioned by Library staff
  • Violating the Computer and Internet Agreement Policy
  • Unhygienic behavior and activities that disturb other patrons
  • Visitors must wear clothing, including shirts and shoes, in the Library. Odor must not be so offensive that it offends others.

Staff reserves the right to contact law enforcement related to the dismissal of a patron or for illegal activities.

Revised and Approved by the Regional Library Board - 9/18/2023

Social Media Posting Procedures 

Social Media Posting Procedures 

Each branch is responsible for posting events and program activity to the library's Facebook page according to the following guidelines and posting schedule. Additional individuals will be given access to post on behalf of the library system as a whole. Each branch should develop and maintain a posting schedule, which prevents the possibility of overwhelming Facebook page followers with excessive library content on a given day or time period. The posting schedule should be accessible to the ARVRLS Director and the represented County Library Board. 

Social media editors should remember that they represent the library and county when posting. Posts should be well written, grammatically correct, and reflect the values and standards of the library and county with regard to customer service, inclusion, and representation. 

Branch Posts 

  • Include notices of upcoming events that provide photos or other information regarding programs conducted at the branch. 
  • Posters should be sure to include the location, date, and time of programs in the post. 
  • Each post must include a graphic, which should be professional in style and well-chosen or edited (posts without graphic content are often missed). The use of professional graphic creation services such as Canva is encouraged. 
  • Photographs of patrons should be taken and shared only with permission. To protect their privacy and security, adult patrons should not be identified beyond first names and children should not be identified by name. All photographs should be carefully selected and cropped or edited as needed to remove extraneous or unflattering material. Other photographs and graphics should be used with permission in accordance with copyright laws (use or other copyright free/public domain photo sources). 
  • Albums of photographs from events may be used, but collages of images should not be used, as they do not translate well on the small post image sizes. 

System Posts 

  • May include information relevant to the library system as a whole, such as holiday closings, new materials, changes to available databases, and the like. 
  • System posts may also include shared posts from relevant professional organizations such as the Arkansas State Library, Arkansas Library Association, and American Library Association, publishers, and other organizations of interest to library patrons such as the Six Bridges Book Festival in Central Arkansas. 
  • Occasional posts on general topics related to literacy and reading may also be shared to the library’s social media page from the original poster (not multiple re-shares).

ARVRLS Social Media Posting Guide (December 2020)  

  • The same rules apply regarding posts and photographs as with the Branch posts. Editing Posts 
  • If typographical or grammatical errors are noticed in library Facebook posts, any social media editor should edit the post to correct the error immediately. 
  • If any poster notices that relevant information is missing from any post (such as the branch location, date of the event, or time of the event), they should immediately notify the branch manager or branch's social media editor to edit the post to include the needed information. 

Posting Schedule - EXAMPLE 

10 AM - 12 PM TT  STEM   
2 PM - 4 PM  AS   CD
4 PM - 6 PM CD  AP

Approved by the ARVRLS Board of Trustees on December 21, 2020

Speaking at the Library Board of Trustees Meeting Procedures 
Request to Speed at the Library Board of Trustees Meeting

If you wish to speak with the Board during a meeting, the form at the bottom of this page must be completed and turned in to the Branch Manager, Library Director, or any Board Member at least seventy-two (72) hours before the scheduled meeting. This gives the Board time to adjust the meeting to allow for a time of public comments. If no forms have been submitted seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting, such time will not be allotted. Only persons who have submitted a form at the proper time will be allowed to speak. When the Board reaches that portion of the agenda, you will be called upon by the Chairperson.

The Board of Trustees of the Arkansas River Valley Regional Library System welcomes you to this meeting. We conduct our meetings in accordance with the Open Meetings Law of the State of Arkansas. This law requires meetings be open to the public, but it does not require any sort of public forum. Since we value the opinions of library patrons, it is the protocol of the organization to allot time of public comments during scheduled Board meetings to address the Library Board directly. Please be mindful of time constraints.

Speakers may offer objective criticisms of Library operations and programs as concern them. In public session, the Board will not hear complaints about Library personnel or against any person connected with the Library System. Other channels provide for Board consideration and disposition of legitimate complaints involving individual employees of the Library. The meeting's agenda does not allow for continuous debate.

Unattended Children Policy 

Unattended Children Policy

The Arkansas River Valley Regional Library System welcomes and encourages children to visit the Library, use library resources and services, and attend library programs. Staff members are available to help and support children; however, the Library is not able to provide short-term or long-term child care, or be responsible for unattended children.
Unattended children are children who are obviously unaccompanied by a parent, guardian, and/or responsible caregiver. Children under the age of ten (10) may not be left alone in the Library and must have adequate supervision while in the Library. The Library is not responsible if children leave Library premises unattended.

Parents, guardians, and/or caregivers are responsible for the safety, behavior, and supervision of children at all times in the Library and on library property. Children are expected to respect library property and adhere to the rules outlined in the Patron Behavior Policy.
Library staff will attempt to contact a parent, guardian, and/or caregiver in circumstances such as the following:

  • An unattended child is engaging in behavior that is disruptive to other library users, staff, or the normal operations of the library business.
  • An unattended child is involved in a situation that is potentially harmful to the health or safety of the child and/or others.
  • An unattended child is left alone at the Library at closing time.

Such situations will be handled on a case-by-case basis. If parents, guardians, and/or caregivers cannot be reached, or are unresponsive, the Library will work with other city agencies as needed.

Revised and Approved by the Regional Library Board -- 9/18/2023